
Community Assets


The Community Assets Cohort is designed to address the disparity in financial resources that clergy-led, church-affiliated community development corporations and service providers serving underserved communities face in pursuing funding

We Know There’s a Problem

“Among organizations focused on improving the outcomes of black boys, for example, groups with black leaders had 45 percent less revenue, and unrestricted assets that were 91 percent lower, than their counterparts with white leaders.”

New York Times

“We are continually confronted with under-resourced churches & nonprofits. These are frontline organizations. Serving their community in needful and impactful ways… they are not able to build their back office and not able to grow capacity to make a greater impact

Jonathan Banks, Urban Outreach Foundation, Chicago

Our Solution



The mission of the Community Assets Cohort is to provide cohort-based professional development in financial and organizational management for religious leaders with the goal of building capacity for their organizations and congregations.

How It












2023 Cohort Members

2024 Cohorts


Frequently Asked Questions

How does my organization join a cohort?

Cohorts form once a year. 2024 cohorts are now forming for the 2024-2025 cohort year.

Contact us using the interest form below, and we will schedule a follow-up appointment.

Who is behind the Community Assets Cohorts?

The cohorts are funded in part with a generous contribution from the Lilly Endowment, Inc. In 2019, North Park University established The Academy of Church Leadership (TACL), “dedicated to equipping religious leaders with the skills needed for effective congregational growth.” TACL was funded out of a broader Lilly Endowment initiative called the National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders. The Community Assets Cohorts are the next generation of that initiative.

What issues and topics are covered by the cohorts?

Cohort members discuss best practices and possible pathways for strengthening their organizations and churches. Topics for discussion will include long-standing approaches and new innovations in financial management, fundraising, strategic planning, board development, logic modeling, peace management, and conflict resolution.

What types of community organizations are eligible for cohort participation?

Our focus is church-affiliated or faith-based community development corporations, nonprofits, and service providers engaging their own communities across Chicago.

Most of our organizations are working in areas such as anti-violence initiatives, after-school programs, homelessness, and community development.

Although we prioritize organizations with annual budgets under $200,000, all sizes of organizations are invited to contact us to talk about participation.

How do we apply for more funding?

Cohort members who complete Phase 1 then participate in Phase 2. In Phase 2, cohort members will leverage organizational growth from participation in Phase 1, positioning their organizations to take advantage of program evaluation and grant writing services.

With these resources, organizations will be able to hire staff who can advance critical, front-line work on the ground, freeing up local clergy to focus on congregational growth while providing more avenues for financial sustainability.

Join a Community Assets Cohort

Let’s work together to change the funding + impact challenges in Chicago.

Step 1—Start here

Step 2—We’ll reach out with cohort information & availability